Getting Started!

Hello readers!

I’m not necessarily new to blogging. I’ve had a Tumblr account for years that I’ve accumulated hundreds of posts on. I didn’t have any real direction and I was torn between making personal posts or posts related to general self development. I think I’ve decided that I want to write more about these types of things without making my page super personal. Additionally, as much as Tumblr is a really neat platform, it’s community is comprised of a much younger audience. Sometimes it can feel a lot like high school. That being said, I’ve decided to move to WordPress! It provides a lot more freedom and creativity and gives me the chance to start over with a much more professional feel.

Anyways, if you’re reading this I appreciate you taking the time! 🙂 I suppose I should introduce myself a bit. Hey, my name is Kalen! I’m turning 25 in just a few days and I live in the beautiful city of Victoria, British Columbia. It’s on an island west of Vancouver that’s famous for tourism and being a lot warmer than anywhere else in Canada. Sorry if you have snow on the ground right now. We don’t know what snow looks like here! *laughs*

I’ve always had a passion for writing and discussing things online. I spend a lot of time lurking on Reddit and listening to what others have said in comment threads. My Reddit account turns 7 in July! Although I don’t comment a whole lot and am only sitting at about 700 comment karma I used to be very active online when I was younger. Before Reddit, I used to moderate and contribute to many different discussion boards with very active communities. I’ve also done lots of other fun things online. I created my first website when I was only 12 years old. Since then I have dabbled in coding, created dozens of graphics and images in Photoshop, uploaded hundreds of videos to Youtube with unique graphics and editing styles that I developed in After Effects and Sony Vegas. I was very young when I had all these aspirations but I’ve always been so fond of the platforms for expression here on the internet. Anyways, that is the short version of some of my most proud accomplishments during my time online. What kind of accomplishments are you proud of? Either online or in the real world. I’d love to hear about them!

I’d like to thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I hope that you decide to stick around for a bit. Share your blog with me, lets be friends!



Mexico Breakfast
One of the best iced coffees I’ve ever had

9 thoughts on “Getting Started!

  1. Welcome to the community!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! 🙂 Already feel at home here.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Kalen! My profile says Chrisadella, but I go by Chris or Chrissy. I live in the U.S. in Illinois (No, not Chicago!). I turn 22 in October. One of my greatest accomplishments is serving in the Army. I spent almost six months in South Carolina training in the summer of 2016. Now I’m doing Army stuff part time while I go to college.


    1. Hey Chrissy. I’ve never seen a name like Chrisadella before. Our names are both quite unique. 22 is a good year, I hope you do more with your year than I did. I didn’t make the most of it. I really look up to anyone that does military service. Kudos. Going to college for arts, right? What do you think you want to study? I know you were saying you’re not sure and who can blame ya. Tough decision. I never finished college. I went for a semester and have been in the working world ever since.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I wish I knew what I was going for! I still haven’t decided. My great-grandma, grandma, mom and I all share the first name Chrisadella and we are the only ones to have it! It’s a pretty cool lil thing we have going although I don’t want to name my daughter that if I ever have one. (But I feel like I kind of have to)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thinking about mixing it up are you? I couldn’t name my child after me. I’d feel to conceited. My heads big enough as it is.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I wouldn’t consider it naming my child after me, but instead naming it after my great grandma


  3. I really like your theme and your blog. Welcome to the community ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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